Buena Vista Palace Hotel & Spa
1900 E Buena Vista Drive,
Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830
Prepare to implement the new Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
IQCP Interpretive Quality Control Guidelines. Presenters include Keynote speakers from leading Accrediting Organizations CMS and COLA!
This full day workshop offers six (6) P.A.C.E.© credits and topics include:
• Review of Risk Management
• Process for Reducing and Mitigating Residual Risk
• Developing Process Mapping and Fishbone Tools
• Developing an Individualized Quality Control Plan
Registration: Non-Symposium Attendees – $249 Symposium Attendees – $199
Continental breakfast & lunch will be provided.
REGISTER TODAY: http://www.criedu.org/iqcp/iqcp-workshops/