Number of Credits
This Webinar CEexpress course addresses personnel responsibilities as they are described in CLIA. The responsibilities for each CLIA defined position are described, beginning with a general overview of what is expected of personnel in each position. A special focus is given to the Lab Director’s responsibilities and how the responsibilities of the other positions tie into each of the Director’s duties.
This course will provide information on laboratory personnel responsibilities, including:
- The personnel responsibilities for each CLIA required position
- How each position supports other roles within the lab
- COLA criteria specific to position responsibilities
The course links you to an archived version of the webinar slide and audio program, and to available pdf file resources. Your computer must have audio capabilities to hear the audio portion of the presentation.
This course has been approved for P.A.C.E.® credit. You must successfully complete the quiz and submit the course evaluation to receive credit.
Webinar CEexpress 2: Personnel Requirements is suggested as a useful introduction before taking this course.
Free, current version of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. (Some older browsers could produce error messages or not display the content correctly.)
Free, current version of Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Reader.